〫〫Back for your daily blog. Who has seen this Simpson prediction is it nuts or what, no matter where on this earth you decide to park even being temporary there will be a conspiracy or two around don't be surprised. Some of the most devastating days to be foiled away covered in all angles and no eyes so to claim no birds eye witnesses what so ever. Hello War Bonds, Free land or not being a slave how about we are slaves in America doesn't appear to the upper class because their wealth multiplies upper class don't count on 401k's, Pensions, or Social security. Way back when we couldn't afford war, Birth certificates and social security cards were made understand what i'm saying about bonds. Now after the pentagon was struck project phoenix took full effect. After the twin towers was struck the huge financial escapade not once but twice a new huge illuminated hologram was constructed. When our foreign enemies comes requesting to see their gold and only one bar of gold was shown troubled bogged up quicker than gas chamber death sentencing. I don't want to be in any heads because i'm not promoting news i'm providing clarity and assurance. Life has a cycle with or without politics. Would it not cause chaos. I'm using words out of the vocabulary that were created not natural to earth made up, now don't kill the messenger. Let alone government officials leaking Pennsylvania mountains as their safe haven hey GOPHERS go spend another 100 billion on another mountain will you bunker up a few select hundred and some what so called privileged ones and sit pretty when 💩 hits the fan.∞

Do you are you witnessing the staggering job lows, in some of the most physically demanding work forces being completed opted out by machines, packages being delivered via drones TO YOUR FRONT DOOR STEP this is no longer a climate change matter well there's still the whole in the ozone layer... This is the work force industry plummeting as investments are becoming the key to finance along the lines where no human emotion is involved just productivity and share increase. Targeting areas of debt meeting increase of demands and keep afloat a market, eCommerce, keeping the 0 - 9's.


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